A Framework to Assess the Readiness of Intelligent Mobility Technologies 


Beaman Distinguished Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 

University of Tennessee, Knoxville 

Friday, January 26, 2024


This seminar will discuss transportation innovations captured through intelligent mobility strategies. Intelligent mobility is broadly defined by connectivity, automation, electrification, and multi-modal personal and freight movements, all done safely and securely. Large-scale data, transportation modeling and artificial intelligence tools, simulation and visualization, multi-scale connectivity, and high-performance computing enable it. This talk will provide a framework to assess intelligent mobility strategies by exploring focus areas, including physical infrastructure, digital infrastructure, electric vehicle infrastructure, policies, regulations, and associated public knowledge and acceptance. Results from a readiness assessment based on a survey of diverse stakeholders in Tennessee will be discussed, along with urban and rural area strategies for investments in infrastructure and emerging technologies.  


Professor. Asad J. Khattak is the Beaman Distinguished Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. He serves as the Coordinator for the Transportation Group in the Department. He is the Associate Director for the Collaborative Sciences Center for Road Safety—a National University Transportation Center based at UNC-Chapel Hill. Dr. Khattak’s research focuses on innovations related to intelligent transportation technologies, safety, and sustainable transportation. Dr. Khattak received his Master’s and Ph.D. degrees in Civil Engineering from Northwestern University. He serves as Editor of the Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems.